Friday, April 22, 2016

This week At The Bridge !

Volunteer Fair 

Serving at The Bridge is fun, rewarding and a great way to meet other church members.  To learn more about service opportunities we will have a Volunteer Fair in the lobby Sunday, April 24th and Sunday, May 1st.  This is a great way to talk with current leaders and volunteers to discover where you can best use your gifts and talents as a valued volunteer!

Prayer for the Nation

 May 4th Franklin Graham is currently conducting prayer rallies at the capitals of each state in the nation. His Decision America Tour, which is a call to Christians and churches to repentance and prayer on behalf of our nation, will be in Frankfort on Wednesday May 4th from 12-1 PM. The Bridge is exploring the possibility of renting a bus to make the trip to Frankfort. If you would like to take part in this event, please sign-up at The Welcome Center in the lobby.

Ghana Mission Trip

The Bridge Ghana Mission Trip is scheduled for September 23rd - October 6th 2016.  The deadline to sign-up for this trip is May 8th.  For more info contact Len Morgan at (859) 620-6647.

Bible Study Fellowship

Bible Study Fellowship is registering for next Fall’s study of The Gospel of John. Women: April 26th & May 3rd, 7 pm at Hopeful Lutheran in Florence. Men: May 5th, 7 pm at New City Presbyterian in Norwood, Ohio. Questions call Terri Rainey at (859) 250-8691.


We typically serve communion/the Lord’s Supper to the entire congregation on the first Sunday of every month.  If, however, you would like to receive the elements any other Sunday, you may do so at the table located to the left of the stage.  If you would like one of our pastors or prayer team members to serve you, just approach them after the service and let them know.  They will be more than happy to accommodate you.

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