Saturday, April 30, 2016

This Week At The Bridge !

Volunteer Fair 

Serving at The Bridge is fun, rewarding and a great way to meet other church members.  To learn more about service opportunities we are having a Volunteer Fair in the lobby today.  This is a great way to talk with current leaders to discover where you can best use your gifts and talents as a valued volunteer!

Prayer for the Nation

May 4th Franklin Graham is currently conducting prayer rallies at the capitals of each state in the nation. His Decision America Tour, which is a call to Christians and churches to repentance and prayer on behalf of our nation, will be in Frankfort on Wednesday May 4th from 12-1 PM. The bus departs from the church on Wednesday at 9:00 AM and a $15.00 donation is requested to help cover the expense.  If you would like to participate, please sign-up at The Welcome Center in the lobby.

Ghana Mission Trip 

The Bridge Ghana Mission Trip is scheduled for September 23rd - October 6th 2016.  The deadline to sign-up for this trip is May 8th.  Fore more info contact Len Morgan at (859) 620-6647.

Summer Connect Groups

Our Summer Connect Fair is coming up and will be in the lobby on May 15th & 22nd and all groups will launch on May 29th.  If you have any questions, please contact Associate Pastor Gina Dugger at or (859) 803-8763.  Get Connected!!!

Care Net Baby Bottle Campaign 

The Bridge church will conduct a Baby Bottle Campaign beginning next Sunday to benefit Care Net Pregnancy Services.  This is an easy way to support your local pregnancy help center by simply collecting your loose change, saving it in the baby bottle and returning the bottle to church at the end of the campaign!  Please consider participating in this fundraising effort.  You will help Care Net to not only save the lives of the unborn but also to change the lives of the men and women who come seeking support.

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