Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hope is Born

When Jesus entered the world in the form of a little baby on that first Christmas morn, the world had no idea what had been born that day.  Among all the things Jesus would bring, perhaps the greatest of all was the hope that things could be better.

This is as true today as it was some two thousand years ago.

Join us at The Bridge this Sunday for one of our three Christmas Services as we explore the hope Jesus brings.

Services this Sunday are at 8:3010:00 and11:30 AM.
God bless,


Friday, September 18, 2015

Prayer Initiative

This past Sunday at The Bridge we launched 752 Prayer@Home.

752 Prayer@Home is a 100 day prayer initiative that is designed to help individuals, couples and families pray at home.

Between now and the end of the year we want everyone to:

·         Pray at home personally seven days a week
·         Pray together as a family five days a week (meal & bedtime prayers count)
·         Pray as a couple two days a week

Our children’s classes will be distributing calendars and stickers to help families chart progress in this prayer initiative. Prizes will be awarded to kids who bring in their calendar each week to show that these objectives have been met.

We believe this will be a fun way to increase prayer in the home and also show our kids that God is not just for church – but is relevant to every aspect of our life.

Be sure to pick-up a 752 Prayer@Home bracelet at the Welcome Center to help remind you to pray!

Connect Fair starts this Sunday!

Be sure to check-out the many Connect Groups being offered for the fall semester. You can visit the church website ( for more information and come ready to sign-up after services this week in the lobby.

Membership Class – October 11, 18, 25

If you would like to explore joining The Bridge, we are offering a three-week course in October that will not only tell you more about the church, but will provide you with some important information about the Christian faith. I hope you will join me for this important class.

We will begin each night at 6 and conclude by 7:15. Child care will be provided.

See you Sunday!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Father's Day at The Bridge

Hey all you Dads, we have a special gift waiting for you tomorrow at The Bridge, so be sure to stop by and pick it up!  It's our way of thanking you for all you do!

Care Net Baby Bottle Campaign

Tomorrow marks the end of the Mother's Day -- Father's Day Care Net baby bottle campaign.  If you have a baby bottle(s) to return to help support this very worthy Pregnancy Center, you do so tomorrow, or over the next few weeks.

If you didn't pick-up a baby bottle but still want to support Care Net, just add the amount to your regular tithes and offerings to the church and mark the amount you want to designate to Care Net on your check or offering envelope and we'll forward your gift to Care Net.  You can also give online through our website by going to

See you tomorrow at The Bridge!


Saturday, May 16, 2015

From The Pastor

"Super A Day" at A.J. Jolly Park -- Sunday, May 24th at 1:30 P.M.
As you may know, Dan and Christina Wienel's five year-old son, Adyn, is battling cancer.  In fact, he began radiation treatment this week.  Some friends of Dan and Christina are organizing a picnic, both to show their support and to bless our little super hero with an early birthday party.
All you need to do is bring your own picnic lunch and if you like, you may come dressed in your favorite super hero costume!  I hope you can join us!
There is another way you might consider helping this dear family.  The Make a Wish Foundation has agreed to grant Adyn one special wish.  Being the thinker that he is, instead of taking a trip to Disney World, which he rightly concluded would "only last a day," Adyn's wish is for a beach in his backyard! 

That's right, his very own beach!  I love this guy!  The folks from Make a Wish would welcome help spreading sand (see, I told you we did more than just spread mulch!) and assembling a swing-set.  If you want to be a part of this project, please email Linda Bode at and she will pass your contact info on to the right people.
Baptism at The Bridge on Sunday June 7th at the 11 A.M. service
If you have received Christ but have not yet been baptized in water, here's your chance!  Please sign-up the Welcome Center in the lobby at church and be sure to pick-up a Baptism brochure with all the info you need about baptism at The Bridge.
This is a very important step in the life of a Christ-follower, so be sure to take part in this wonderful event.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dear Bridge Family

This is a busy time in the life of our church with all kinds of exciting things going on in the coming weeks. Be sure to check-out some of the highlights and be sure to join us at The Bridge!

Water Baptism -- June 7th

If you have trusted Jesus as Savior and have not yet expressed this decision publicly through water baptism, why not take part in our water baptism during our 11 a.m. service on Sunday, June 7th?

You can sign-up at The Welcome Desk and when you do be sure to pick-up a testimony form on which you can tell about your decision to follow Jesus.  This is a great time of celebration for our church and a very significant event in the life of a believer.

Graduation Sunday -- June 14th

On Sunday June 14th we will be recognizing students that are graduating from High School or College.  If you, or a son or daughter would like to be recognized, please sign up at the Welcome Desk in the lobby over the next few weeks and be sure to note which service you will be attending that day.

On Graduation Sunday we will read the names of our graduates and then invite them forward to receive a gift.  No caps or gowns, just the recognition you deserve!

God bless,


Saturday, April 18, 2015

It's happening!

The other day I was walking around what I refer to us "the new church" and what Gary Dawson calls "The Bridge 2.0."  As I looked around at the massive building that is looking less and less like a grocery store and more like a place where we will one day be worshipping God and making disciples, I said to Happy Wade, "I still can't believe this is really happening."
I know I have lived through the entire process of negotiating the purchase of the building, of putting the need and opportunity before the church, of seeing God provide financing and then persevering through the challenges leading up to the closing, but it still seems a bit surreal.
But it really is happening.  We are close to finalizing the floor plan, which is coinciding nicely with having the building cleared in order to begin constructing walls. At this point we have no clear sense of how long this project will take, but I'm hoping we will occupy our new home by this Fall.
In the mean time, I would ask that you continue to pray for the safe and speedy completion of the project. The sooner we can move in the sooner we will not be saddled with both rent and a mortgage payment.  Yes, we are now making two payments each month.
For this reason, I would also ask that you do your very best to be a regular supporter of our church, in addition to doing whatever you are able to do with Operation Transformation (formerly called Possess the Land).
To date 177 individuals or households have made pledges totaling $432.419.  As of this past Sunday we have received $290,976 of that amount.
As amazing as this is, we are going to need every dollar of this and more in order to complete this project. The estimated cost of the renovation is around $1 million -- and that is just to get in.  The complete cost will likely be closer to $1.5 million.  So, if you have not yet made a pledge and wish to do so, there will be pledge forms in your bulletin this Sunday that you can complete and turn in.
If you have made a pledge, please do your best to fulfill that pledge while continuing to support the church with your regular tithes and offerings.
If you are unable to contribute financially at this time, please join in praying daily for the successful completion of this project.

Work Day at the New Church -- Saturday April 25
Another way you can help is by taking part in a work day at the new church.  On Saturday April 25 from 9 a.m. -- 1 p.m. we will be removing shrubbery and putting down fresh mulch in the nine or so islands in the parking lot.  Bring a rake and a shovel and join us for this very first sprucing up of our new property!
Adyn buttons
If you missed the chance to pick up an Adyn button after services last Sunday, more will be available this week.  Adyn is the son of Dan and Christina Weinel who is battling cancer.  Donations of $5 or more will get you a button and help the Weinel's with the incredible expenses they are incurring.
Last week more than $1,600 was donated for this worthy cause.  On behalf of the Weinel's and little Adyn, I want to thank you!
See you Sunday as we continue our study of Nehemiah and learn more about how God wants to rebuild our souls.
With much love!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celebrate Easter with us at The Bridge!

Whatever you have planned this Easter Sunday, whether dinner with family or hunting Easter eggs with your kids -- don't neglect to celebrate the resurrection!

The resurrection is the single greatest even in all human history.  Yes, there would have been no resurrection had Jesus not been born on that first Christmas day, but it was His resurrection from the dead that validated His message and proved without a doubt His identity as God's Son.

It was His resurrection from the dead that purchased our salvation and gives us hope in the face of any and all circumstances.  It is because of Jesus' resurrection from the dead that we can face death without fear and live fully alive in this life, for as Jesus said in John 14:19;

                   "Because I live, you shall live also."

I invite you to celebrate the Resurrection with us this Sunday at The Bridge at any one of our three Easter services; 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 a.m.

We have a very special service planned this Easter Sunday that will feature rousing congregational singing, as well as some special music and a message of hope that springs from the greatest comeback in history.

I hope to see you Sunday at The Bridge!


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Raising the Roof

Our open house this past Sunday was a blast!  We had a great turnout of people anxious see our new building and to help us dedicate our future home to the Lord.

A big "thank you" to those who served up the hot dogs and cupcakes!

Check out some great photos on Facebook by going to

When you do, you will also see some changes as this week we removed the ceiling tiles as the first step in Operation Transformation.

Rebuilding our Souls

Speaking of transformation, that's exactly what God wants to do in us -- transform us more and more into the image of Christ.  This will be our focus as we continue our study of the book of Nehemiah this Sunday.  Just as the walls around the city of Jerusalem were broken and the gates burned with fire, so too is our soul when we come to Jesus.

But just as God sent Nehemiah to rebuild the walls around the city, God has sent His Holy Spirit to superintend the rebuilding of our soul.  This Sunday we will be talking about how hurts and trauma we have suffered serve to break down the human soul and how God purposes to bringing healing and restoration to every one of His children.

10,000 Bibles for Zimbabwe

In light of our drive to purchase and renovate our new building, we haven't been saying a lot about our campaign to provide 10,000 Bibles for Zimbabwe, nevertheless we are nudging closer to our goal.  Here is the current count.

Total Bibles donated or purchased:  7,511

We have until April 1st to reach our goal so if you have some Bibles at home you are not using, or if you want to donate toward this campaign, please do so by the end of the month.

We are able to purchase complete Bibles for $1.30 each, so a gift of $130 would provide 100 Bibles.  A gift of $65 would provide 50 Bibles and a gift of $32.50 would provide 25 Bibles, most of which will be distributed to school children.

If you have not yet done something to help spread God's Word in Zimbabwe, please do so soon!

And do continue to pray for our Operation Transformation, asking God to provide all we need in the way of finances, safety and wisdom for the project.

Thanks so much!


" Where Every Person Matters "

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Open House is On!

The parking lot has been plowed and the forecast is calling for a balmy 48 degrees and so our long-awaited Open House at the new building is on for 1 P.M. tomorrow.

Join us for hot dogs, cupcakes and an opportunity to see the "before" picture before we begin the transformation of this former grocery store into a place of worship.

The address of our future home is 7906 Alexandria Pike in Alexandria.  From the AA highway turn right onto U.S. 27 (Alexandria Pike) and go south 2.5 miles.  The building is on the left behind the Burger King.

"Let us rise up and build"

The quote above comes from Nehemiah chapter two.  It followed Nehemiah's survey of the broken down walls around the city of Jerusalem and his address to the city officials when he told them how the hand of God had been upon him and how the king had dealt favorably with him regarding his returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.

The book of Nehemiah shows what can be accomplished when the Spirit of God leads His people to action and the people have a mind to work.  But the book of Nehemiah also shows how God wants to re-build the broken down walls of our individual souls once we are restored to Him.

Tomorrow at The Bridge we are kicking-off a new series called "Restoring Your Soul."  In this series we will follow the story of Nehemiah and show how the physical rebuilding of the wall around the city of Jerusalem illustrates the work God wants to do in the individual lives of His people.  Many times when we hear a testimony of someone's conversion, the story ends with the person coming to faith in Jesus.  Rather than this being the end of the story, this is just the beginning of what God wants to do in the life of that individual.

I believe this series will not only help you understand the work God wants to do to make you the person He created you to be, but will provide us with practical wisdom for the physical building campaign we are about to begin.


" Where Every Person Matters "

Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's Done!

That big whoosh sound you heard around noon this past Monday was me breathing a big sigh of relief as we closed on the purchase of the old Thriftway building in Alexandria.  After several delays and more than a few anxious moments we finalized the purchase of what will be our future home.  To God be the glory!

I want to thank everyone for the part you played in helping us take this huge step.  When we announced back in November that we were going to attempt to purchase this building and began our Possess the Land capital campaign, you responded by contributing over $65,000!  That day!  Since that time we have received $250,000 in donations and over $400,000 in pledges!

God then provided financing for the project that allows us to put all monies raised into the renovation of this building.  We estimate that the renovation project will take approximately $1,000,000 (that's $1 million in case you aren't accustomed to seeing that many zeroes).  And so, our Possess the Land campaign has now become Operation Transformation.

I chose the word "transformation" as opposed to "renovation," for this phase of the project, because transformation speaks of what God is going to do in the lives of the people that will be reached as a result of our taking this step.

When we are finished we will have over $2 million in the project, but will end up with a building worth much more.  Initial estimates are that the finished building will appraise for more than $4 million.  Not bad for a church that just eight years ago could place everything it owned in a step-van -- which we did after church every Sunday for a year at the Marquise.

While we rejoice at what God has done over these first eight years at The Bridge, our focus is on what we believe God is going to do through our church for years to come.  If you made a pledge to our Possess the Land Campaign - please do your best to fulfill that pledge and help transform this former grocery store into a church for the glory of God.

If you are unable to give financially to the project, please join us in praying for the success of the campaign and for the people God wants to reach through our church.  These are exciting days in the life of our church, and pivotal days, as well.  What we do over the next several months is going to not only change our church, but change lives for eternity -- which is why we exist.

Open House Postponed until March 8th

Because the parking lot at our future home is currently encased in ice, we thought it wise to postpone our Open House until Sunday, March 8th at 1 P.M. when hopefully we will be enjoying better weather.  Plan to join us then!

Whitney and Ali Clayton

As was announced a couple of months ago, Whitney, who has served as Executive Pastor at The Bridge, and Ali, who has directed The Crossing (4th-6th grades) are moving to Arizona where they will be starting a new church.  Despite my best efforts, they refuse to leave even one of our precious grandsons behind, even though Ali is expecting baby number three!  I know, how selfish!  Honestly, we know Whitney and Ali are following the Lord's leading in this major decision and applaud their obedience.

Because they have been such a vital part of our church and have been a blessing to so many, and because we believe in what they are doing, I would like to receive a special offering on their behalf this Sunday to help cover their moving expenses.  I don't know how much it costs to move a family of four (soon to be five) more than 1,800 miles -- but it can't be cheap.  Please come prepared Sunday to help in whatever way you can and let's show our appreciation for how they have served so faithfully at The Bridge these past four years.  (Excuse me now while I go cry!).

Your Servant in Christ,


" Where every person matters "

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Are you ready for some news ?

After waiting anxiously all day for the 3:30 PM closing on the purchase of the building today, at around 2 PM I received word that one part of one document did not arrive in the mail as expected and so the closing has been postponed until Monday!  If this continues I think my hair is going to turn white.  Oh yeah, too late for that!

While this doesn't make a big difference in the grand scheme of things, it does mean we will have to delay the Open House we had scheduled for this Sunday until the following Sunday.  Anybody have a need for 300 hot dogs!

The closing may have been delayed, but it's not too soon to begin praying for the design portion of the project.  I am asking God to guide our architect in such a way that He will be the designer of our new building and that ours will be the first church ever built where there is not at single regret about the design.

Please pray also for the safety of every person who comes on the site and for the finances needed to complete the project.

We are going to get there!  We really are!
Perseverance is the name of the game.

See you Sunday!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Possessing the Land

After a few delays, a few tense moments and a whole lot of prayer, we are set to close on the purchase of our new building this Friday!  To be honest with you, it seems a bit dream-like to actually be days away from taking possession of a 44,788 square foot building on over 7 acres of land.  I'm fairly certain I'll be jolted into a fully awakened state when the first payment on this $1.1 million transaction purchase comes due!

But it will be worth it!  To have our own facility with all the room we will need and our very own parking lot, not to mention sufficient restrooms, will be wonderful, indeed.  Knowing that the gospel is going to sound forth from this place and lives are going to be transformed will make every prayer, every monetary gift and every bit of labor completely worthwhile.

I can't thank you enough for the way in which, you the friends and members of The Bridge have stepped up to help make this happen.  Certainly God provided the opportunity, but your response was crucial in bringing it to pass.

Open House

We don't have a lot of time to celebrate this milestone because there remains much to be done to turn this former grocery store into a church, but I do want to invite you to our very first Open House at our future home.  This Sunday at 1 P.M. we are going to open the doors and give everyone a chance to see the "before" picture of what will eventually be a wonderful church facility.

We are going to provide hot dogs, soft drinks and maybe a great big cake to celebrate the securing of this amazing building.  We will also take the opportunity to thank God for all He has done to make this possible and dedicate this building to Him.  I know great things for the kingdom of God are going to take place in and through this site.

I hope you will join us at church Sunday at either of our two services and then make the 9 minute drive to Alexandria to our future home.

In case you haven't been to the new building and need help getting there, here are the directions.

When leaving our current facility turn right (South) on the AA Highway.
Travel 3 miles to the Cold Spring/Alexandria exit and turn right on U.S. 27.
Travel 2.5 miles on U.S. 27 and our new building is on the left, just past the Speedway and directly behind the Burger King.  It's huge so you can't miss it!
The address is 7906 Alexandria Pike.

I hope you will join us for this historic event in the life of our church!
Yours for the kingdom!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Big News!

No, I'm not telling you what the "Big News" is in this newsletter.  You'll have to come to church tomorrow for that!

The Fear of the Lord Part 2

Be sure to join us for another installment of our study of the Fear of the Lord.  I'll be talking, in part, about what the missing component of most preaching in America today and why this "hole in the Gospel" is hurting and not helping people.

I appreciate so much a church that wants to hear the whole truth from God's Word.

Connect Group Launch

It's not too late to join a Connect Group.  You can do so tomorrow before or after either of our two services at 9 and 11 a.m.

See you tomorrow!


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Building Update

Be sure to join us Sunday to hear the latest news on our purchase of the Old Thriftway building in Alexandria.

The Key to a Blessed Life

What sane, thinking person would not want to enjoy a long and productive life?

Who wouldn't want to enjoy the favor and blessing of God on their life?

Anybody up for riches, honor, provision, protection and friendship with God?

All of these and more are available to those who do one thing. That one thing is to fear God.  That's right, the Bible instructs us to fear God.  From Genesis to Revelation, from prophets to apostles and from the lips of Jesus Himself we are instructed to fear God.

Join us Sunday as we explore this nearly forgotten topic and see what it really means to fear God.

Connect Group Fair

We will also be highlighting some of the Connect Groups we are offering this semester.  Be sure to join the group that fits your needs at this time.  This is a sure way to grow in your relationship with God and others.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, we ignore bad weather at The Bridge! Come rain or shine, snow or ice, we'll be there! Hope you will be, too!

Blessings to you!


Friday, January 23, 2015


This past Sunday was a great day at The Bridge.  After sharing a basic, but important message on how Jesus came to "show us the Father," between 8-10 people indicated a desire to surrender to Jesus and begin a life of following Him.

This illustrates how the human heart, when awakened by the Holy Spirit, yearns to be joined to the God who loves them.  I left church once again feeling so blessed to be able to share the greatest news in the whole world with people God loves so much that He gave His Son to ransom them from sin and make them His own.

I was also reminded of what a wonderful church we have, here at The Bridge.  Every week so many people serve joyfully in order to make it possible for others to come and receive ministry, connect with other believers, or to experience the new life Jesus alone provides.  I hope we never forget what a wonderful thing it is to be able to enjoy a church family the way we do at The Bridge.

Connect Groups

A very important way to begin to enjoy a family experience at The Bridge is by getting involved in a Connect Group.  Over the next few weeks we will be introducing the groups that will be offered in the upcoming semester.  Be sure to pick up a Connect Group catalog at church this Sunday to help you find the group that will be best for you -- and then be sure to make attending that group a regular part of your week. This will not only help you grow in your walk with Christ, but will connect you with some of the wonderful people God has brought our way.

You may also visit our website at, to see a list of all the groups being offered this semester.


In closing, I would like to share with you a devotional that goes along with what we talked about this past Sunday.  It's about how God is our "Abba," or "Daddy.

Matthew 6:9b, NASB

"Our Father who art in heaven,"
The name "Abba" simply means "Daddy."  No Jew would have dared address God in this manner, yet Jesus did it constantly, and He invites us to do so also.

Max Lucado writes, "One afternoon in old Jerusalem, as my daughter, Jenna, and I were exiting the Jaffa Gate, we found ourselves behind a Jewish family, a father and his three little girls.  The four-year-old fell a few steps behind and couldn't see her father.  'Abba!' she called.  The father stopped immediately.  Only then did he realize they were separated.  'Abba!' she called again.  Immediately the father extended his hand and the girl took it.  I made mental notes.  I wanted to see the actions of an 'Abba.'  The father held the girl's hand tightly as they descended a ramp.  When they stopped at a busy street, she stepped off the curb and he pulled her back.  When the signal changed, he led her and her sisters through the busy intersection.  In the middle of the street, he reached down, swept her up into his arms, and continued their journey."

Isn't that what we all need -- an "Abba" who will hear when we call, Who will take our hand when we are weak?  Who will guide us through the hectic intersections of life?  Who will swing us up into His arms and carry us home?  Well, the good news is we have one.  No matter what you are facing today, all you have to do is pause, reach up, and whisper, "Abba." He will be there for you.

From The Vine -- Bob Gass Ministries

Have a blessed day in Abba's care!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Preparing for the New Year

I hope you had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed a happy and safe New Year!

As we look forward to 2015, I believe it is safe to say that this will be an eventful year for us here at The Bridge.  A new building, a fairly massive renovation and all that goes with such an undertaking will no doubt stretch us, test our faith and give God plenty of opportunity to show Himself strong on our behalf.  So, how do we prepare ourselves for such a season?

That's what we'll be addressing in tomorrow's message.  We'll be talking about the one thing we can do as a church that will insure that we keep our equilibrium in the face of what will surely prove to be an eventful year.

Of course, what is true for us as a church is equally true for each of us as individuals.  The coming year will no doubt bring with it a mix of challenges, joys, as well as opportunities for God to show Himself strong.  The way we prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the coming year are the same for us as individuals as they are for us as a church.

So, don't miss tomorrow's message.  I'm quite sure you will find it helpful for whatever awaits us in 2015!

Blessings in Jesus!
