This past Sunday at The
Bridge we launched 752 Prayer@Home.
752 Prayer@Home
is a 100 day prayer initiative that is designed to help individuals, couples
and families pray at home.
Between now and the end of
the year we want everyone to:
Pray at home personally
seven days a week
Pray together as
a family five days a week (meal & bedtime prayers count)
Pray as a couple
two days a week
Our children’s classes will
be distributing calendars and stickers to help families chart progress in this
prayer initiative. Prizes will be awarded to kids who bring in their calendar
each week to show that these objectives have been met.
We believe this will be a fun
way to increase prayer in the home and also show our kids that God is not just
for church – but is relevant to every aspect of our life.
Be sure to pick-up a 752 Prayer@Home bracelet at the Welcome
Center to help remind you to pray!
Connect Fair starts this Sunday!
Be sure to check-out the many
Connect Groups being offered for the fall semester. You can visit the church
website ( for
more information and come ready to sign-up after services this week in the
Membership Class – October 11, 18, 25
If you would like to explore
joining The Bridge, we are offering a three-week course in October that will
not only tell you more about the church, but will provide you with some
important information about the Christian faith. I hope you will join me for
this important class.
We will begin each night at 6
and conclude by 7:15. Child care will be provided.
See you Sunday!
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