Saturday, January 31, 2015

Building Update

Be sure to join us Sunday to hear the latest news on our purchase of the Old Thriftway building in Alexandria.

The Key to a Blessed Life

What sane, thinking person would not want to enjoy a long and productive life?

Who wouldn't want to enjoy the favor and blessing of God on their life?

Anybody up for riches, honor, provision, protection and friendship with God?

All of these and more are available to those who do one thing. That one thing is to fear God.  That's right, the Bible instructs us to fear God.  From Genesis to Revelation, from prophets to apostles and from the lips of Jesus Himself we are instructed to fear God.

Join us Sunday as we explore this nearly forgotten topic and see what it really means to fear God.

Connect Group Fair

We will also be highlighting some of the Connect Groups we are offering this semester.  Be sure to join the group that fits your needs at this time.  This is a sure way to grow in your relationship with God and others.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, we ignore bad weather at The Bridge! Come rain or shine, snow or ice, we'll be there! Hope you will be, too!

Blessings to you!


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